Monday, 26 September 2011

Look what I've got!

Not the best picture I admit but apparently the best Victoria Sponge!!!
Yes it's true... I won the Victoria Sponge baking competition in the Village Show. The family were not as suprised as I was as its is their favorite bake. To celebrate this acheivement I shall be baking one for my next Afternoon Tea on 15th October at 2pm. Spaces still available.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

A GBBO Challange

In case you don’t know, GBBO stands for ‘The Great British Bake Off’ of which I am an avid watcher. I did apply this year but didn’t even get a reply back, the family recon I need more of a back story so I’m not in the highest demographic, which leads to some amusing dinner conversations when they come up with various bizarre stories! Anyway, something they had on there recently was a Battenburg Cake which I hadn’t made before – so I gave it a go. I was quite pleased with the result and it didn’t last long so I guess everyone else liked it too.
You may notice from the picture the deliberate mistake……. The outside of the Battenburg is white – I used fondant icing instead of marzipan as marzipan is not very popular in my house. Why use something that no one likes just because its traditional!
I think a Battenburg may make an appearance at the next Afternoon Tea which is on 15th October.
Contact me to book your place.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Small but perfectly formed !

Definitely not me – too much sampling of the product! But they do say ‘Never trust a skinny cook!’ No, it was my last Tea Party in August. Due to a last minute cancellation there were only five guests. This does mean more sandwiches and cakes for everyone else. Mmmm. Although the small numbers, it was still enjoyed as much as usual and I actually managed to sit down for a cuppa and a chat too! Here are a few of the pleasurable treats of the afternoon. Lavender Shortbread, Fruit Tartlets, Rum and Raisin Cupcakes and Luscious Lemon Roulade. Next date for tea is Saturday 10th September at 2pm.